The search engine Microsoft Bing has introduced some elements from social networking sites, including Facebook. The move is thought to be an attempt by Microsoft to gain some of Google’s search engine market share. Since the introduction of Bing in 2009, Microsoft has made losses of over $6 billion.
Microsoft Bing will have a new design, having three columns on the search engine screen. The results of the search query will be displayed on the left hand side of the screen in blue, while a column for instant snapshots will be displayed in the centre. Useful information and links will be provided for such things as reviews, reservations and maps. Facebook friends of the search engine user will appear to the right of the screen so that they can ask their friends for an opinion or advice regarding a search. Contacts in other networks like Twitter and LinkedIn can also be accessed from this page.
Microsoft was the first to incorporate real time information from Twitter and Facebook into search results. In 2007, Microsoft invested in a small percentage of Facebook which triggered the idea to incorporate social networking real time data into search. Although Bing has around 15 percent of the market share for search, Google has remained constant with around 66 percent. Wherever a business is located, whether in Liverpool or LA, Google remains an integral part of a company’s search engine optimisation programme. Microsoft Bing and other search engines also play a key role in any SEO campaign.